Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year

I used to make resolutions....this year I am not......but IF I was to make them, the list might look something like this.

Get scrapbooking caught up

Lose 20 more pounds by March

Continue to exercise, every other day

Get Tucker potty trained

Get Tucker in his bed at night, falling asleep on his own

Find more time, HA HA HA HA, for me

But since I am not making resolutions I am going to do my best to do what makes my life more fullfilling. It may just include those things above and then some. (smiles)

I hope everyone continues to challenge themselves this year. Reaching goals, even if it is one out of ten that are set, makes us better. I am a list person, and to mark my list off one by one makes me jump for joy.

I am so grateful for my list of "non-resolutions". There were years I was just making it a goal not to lose my mind, to get through another year with my son, to get through another year of a marriage that was based on HIGH STRESS and very little time, this year.....I can concentrate on things that dont really matter in the big plan...because who really cares if I have my scrapbooks up to date? It just means that my life, after many years of blurrrr, is finally at a spot that I can relax and do some things that mean nothing! and boy does it feel good.

Happy 2011!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Said, Happy New year!
Regina Esteban