Wednesday, May 12, 2010

OHHHH boy......

Lets see...where to begin. Tucker was put in time out 5 times today at school.....FIVE!!!! Rough play and hitting. He is repeating everything you say.....tonight he is saying "yeah" and holding up his hand, saying "rock and roll" and our friend has him clinking glasses saying "cheers" right now. He is so fun and frustrating at the same time.
A little guitar hero and some relaxing is all the night has in store.


Miss Lisa said...

Thank the good lord for comedy relief these kids bring on. I know his teachers probably had to turn their heads when disciplining them but sometimes u just go with the flow. I love the new blog setup. Very attractive!!!!!!

kimk said...

Love the pic!! And I love that he is a little rascal! We are the rare moms that celebrate that our kids are healthy enough to get into trouble at school! Its AWESOME!!