Wednesday, September 02, 2009


I spoke with Karen this afternoon and she told me that one of the doctors had come to Tucker's room and told her Chris and Alyssa, CJ's parents, wanted her to come to their room. He said that they were waiting on some family members to arrive and the decision was made to remove all life support and let him finally be at peace. Let God have one more baby angel. God received two baby angels while we were in Boston that I know of. This is what I meant when I said sometimes it's not the pain your going through with your child, it's the pain you go through with the family friends you have made and the pain they go through with their children.

I had to say a few words on behalf of our friends Chris and Alyssa, CJ's parents. I don't think I have met a stronger set of parents throughout our trip to Boston. Countless times I observed them sitting in the family room with their parents and other relatives thinking things couldn't get worse, but little CJ would pull through. His original heart surgery, the same biventrical repair Tucker had, the bowel surgery he had when a small whole was found in his bowels, the dialysis when he couldn't pee on his own, and then the sepsis, from not getting the fluid off fast enough and then the heart valve repairs, due to the sepsis deteriorating them. This little boy, whom I believe is 10 months old, was fighting as hard to stay with us, as his parents were to keep him!!

I want to say that no parent is supposed to out live their child, but sometimes it happens. To all the parents who have been through this life changing difficult decision, you're in my thoughts and prayers. These should be the headlines in our newspapers or on the nightly news, not the death of some superstar or actor.

To our little angels, Johnny and CJ. You will be missed and never forgotten.


kimk said...

Im so sorry to hear this, I know you guys loved these sweet babies, when you get to know families, it feels as if they become family and it is heartbreaking to see them go though so much pain, mixed in with the joy of your own child's survial, causes understandable guilt, as the same time, reminds you how fragile your baby is and then the worry becomes overwhelming.
Please know I am praying for you, praying that Tucker continues to recover and you can bring him home very soon. Because you need to come home and remember life without greif.
praying for CJs family, and of course Johnnys too.
hugs to ya, Kim

Tina B said...

I don't think I can ever get used to the idea of losing a child, even of a friend. The bond between heart families is incredible and it's a great gift in times of need, but it means we've put their lives in our heart and it hurts so hard when we feel that ache too. We will continue to pray for you all to find peace and joy in Tucker's health through your pain and guilt of another friend losing a child. We will also pray that CJ's family finds God's peace in this incredible time. Part of my heart will always be in Boston with every family that walks through those CICU doors.

michele hoenig said...

I'm so sorry you've lost another friend. It's devastating. My heart is with yours and the family of CJ and Johnny.