Saturday, August 08, 2009

Grrrrreat Day!!!!

We had a lot of awake time today. Tucker threw a ball, he was out of bed a few times being held, we listened to our music and clapped our hands, we kicked at a toy, he gave hugs, he gave high fives, and we had a 15minute time frame off the mask. Little by little more of our little man comes out. He will continue to get stronger and stronger now. They are going to go down on the sedation each day which will give him more awake time and less "zoned out". He wants to sit up more, he even tries to sit up from laying down. He is telling you "all done" in sign and NO.
Here he is trying to pull up off the bedside. Trying to escape.

Great day!!!!!


Miss. Whitney- NEEC Teacher said...

His poor little arms with all the IV injections... :( He is starting to look more and more like the little man that left KC. His scars on his belly have heeled awesome... Give him hugs from me and tell him we can't wait to see him!!!

Cammie Heflin said...

That is awesome! Yeah Tucker!

Aly- NEEC Teacher said...

GO TUCKER GO!! I'm glad to see he is having more awake time! Soon he will be able to enjoy the company of his Orange Room friends on the TV! Keep it up little man! =)

Isaiah 41: 10

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Praise God. Keep up the good work, and I will keep up the prayers. God is love!! in all directions. Love Ya!, Mary Ellen

Tina B said...

Oh, he's coming back! I checked all day for updates and this one was just what I needed tonight! Yeah for you all! You'll be asking for some methadone for bedtime before you know it!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Yay for a good day!!!