Monday, July 13, 2009

Life at a hospital....

I know a lot of our followers have had first hand experience at living out of a suitcase, where constant bells ring, pagers go off, iv's are put in, sleep is little or none, while their loved one is hooked up to machines. It is not a fun experience...actually I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. We have been here 3 weeks, that is 21 days...of hospital food (which is too expensive and tastes bad, atleast in KC the hospital food was OK), of showers that make your skin crawl (just because all parents use the same shower), of days without our families that are back home, 21 days of misery.

Hospitals, dont get me wrong, are a great place. We need them. If we didnt have them where would we be? The reverse is unthinkable. But it doesnt change the fact that life in a hospital, in a city where you know no one, where you live and breathe it.....changes you.

There are 27 ICU beds on my floor. 27 families effected with hospital living. Some have been here for months, some just coming can see the same look on everyones face, a face of "what today? a good day or bad?" Curtains close, procedures (big ones) are done at bed side to save a life, codes blues are called and all you can do is Hold on and cry....praying for that family and yours.

I am feeling the weight of living from a suitcase, watching as Tucker goes forward then back then forward again but much slower. It is a hard , exhausting road....


Anonymous said...

Karen- I don't know what you are going through and I won't pretend to but please know that your thoughts are with me daily as I follow your journey. Hugs from one mama to another. ~Regina E- Kansas City

Unknown said...

I really feel for you. I can relate 100%. Carly spent 31 days in the hospital the first go round. It's so very hard. You will get through it.'s so very precious.

Tina B said...

It scares me so much to think of going through that again with Anna. Each time is worse as you understand more of what is going on. We didn't eat at the cafeteria (Omaha's was great, Boston's sucked!) We were McDonald's junkies! Didn't help the waist line, but it got me through.

No matter how long this journey is going to be, know that each day is one less you will be there. God knows how long Tucker needs to recover. He's got it all planned out. I know you both have been a great stregnth to Johnny's family. I'm sure that was part of the reason for all the reschedules and delays in your surgery. God's plan is so big and his timing is always right. Trust in that.

Tina & Anna

Anonymous said...

I dotn know what your going through but I just wanted to say I am praying for you guys and your a strong person for doing all of this!


Anonymous said...

Take it one day at a time...Hang in there. Thinking about you and your little one every day. - TJ, Hurst TX.

Michele Hoenig said...

Hang in there. I know how tough it is to be there. I wish you didn't have to stay for so long. Just know that you aren't alone in Boston!


PS - try checking out the cafeteria at Brigham & Women's Hospital across the street. Maybe it's better! HUGS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi,I know you think your about at the end of your rope, but your not. Even if you are, when you reach the end of your rope, then is where you will fing Jesus waiting to lift you up again and again. I am praying for you, and so are hundreds of others, Just remember We Must Trust In God, He is FAITHFUL.Love to all of you and I will keep lifting you up in prayer. Love ya! Mary Ellen

kimk said...

Its hard and heartbreaking, it would so much easier if it was ourselves in the bed and not our babies. But it is what we must do to give our children what they deserve, the very best chance at a longer and healthier life.
You have given Tucker this gift, you have trusted God, keep believing! God will see Tucker and you thru.
The day we were discharged I looked back at the hospital and started crying, because I wondered if I would have the strength to do it all over again if I had too, and as hard and miserable as it would be, Yes I could and you could to , because we would do anything for our babies, even if it puts them through the hardest days in their lives.
We love you guys and are praying and remember, never feel bad for what you are feeling, it is apart of the journey.

Carey said...

Oh Karen. I wish I didn't know that life ... really. At least I was a little closer to our family. It will all be like a dream someday. Trust me. You CAN do this!!!