First of all, who else, besides my family and friends, sends us stuff for Tucker? I received a comment on my blog that they want to send Tuck volumes 9-13 for his birthday!!! Tell me, how awesome is that. I am excited and thrilled. Tuck loves his videos and asks for them now.....which brings me to the top 10 reasons we LOVE signing time at our house.
1. Tucker lacks the oral skills to ask for things but has learned many signs from his videos that help us understand his wants and needs.
2. The families at Signing Time care about real life, this is how it is, people. They go out of their way to help and brighten other peoples days. (Rhett for instance)
3. My son can now tell me he is going to POTTY so maybe we can train him easier. (The little grunt before the sign tells me we have about 1 minute before we need a diaper change)
4. My son asks to watch signing time, the roll of his hands and a point to his wrist is all it takes.
5. Everyone in the family enjoys it and tries to sign as fast as Rachel does....we still cannot do it.
6. Tucker can tell us when he wants to eat or is thirsty now without the guess work or the tantrums.
7. The songs are catchy, fun and easy to sign to.....even if you only hit on a few of the words with the sign.
8. I have had nothing but great experiences dealing with the online ordering system for Signing Time. I even had a problem with a VHS tape and they sent me the DVD with no hassle/questions.
9. I love that Alex and Leah are cousins and that Rachel and her sister started Two Little Hands Productions. Family is everything.
10. The top reason I love Signing Time is because it gives my son a voice, communication skills that help him express himself where his vocabulary lacks. He hears fine, he makes noise fine, but to have a language that he can use before all the words come together is truly a blessing to us.
Birthday Number Twelve
5 years ago
Doesn't Signing Time toally ROCK!!! I am so excited that they are sending Tuck the DVD's!! Hooray!!
Rhett's Birthday is on the 7th of Oct. they are really close in age!! Too bad we don't live closer so that we could play.
I hope he has a WONDERFUL birthday, and when you get a second email me, okay?
Pam and Rhett
I have never seen a signing times video, however would love to see if my daughter would like it. I have a 14 yr old niece that has been signing for years now and tries to teach my daughter (she is 13 months old). She knows a few, but would love try the videos...
Where can I get them? And how expensive are they? I am a single mother of 4.
PS...Tuck gets cuter with every picture! :)
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