Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I have been trying to get Tucker into the dental clinic at Mercy and FINALLY I have an appointment. They are not currently taking new patients but she happen to ask if the patient was special needs....they always make room for special needs kiddos. YEEEESSSS.. So, we will see how the teeth are doing in August. (all these times I have called, they werent taking new patients, and she just happen to ask the magic question to get him in.....) Bad right? I feel like because he has DS that he gets to get into a dentist without having to wait....but then I remember what our family dentist had said about taking Tucker to him and the protocol to do so. There is definately an advantage taking him to Mercy where all his doctors are for the sedation to take care of his if they want to give me SPECIAL treatment because I have a SPECIAl boy, I will take it.