Tucker didnt go trick or treating but he sure passed out the candy. He waited at the door and even said his own version of "trick or treat" to the kids. He was very dissapointed when we would have a lull in the kids coming by.....but he waited and helped with the next bags that came. He wouldnt have anything to do with putting his costume on, so we just stayed in normal clothes and enjoyed the other kiddos. I think maybe next year he will be ready to go door to door and get his own candy. (maybe not in a costume though) He enjoyed eating some candy during all the excitement.
Hunter went door to door collecting cans for Harvesters. She got about 30 canned goods to donate. No costume for her either. We will have to find a drop off for the cans today...I think our local grocery store collects them.
Aww, glad he had such a good time handing out the godies!
Tucker was a cute little candy passer outer! and of course he had to taste the yummies he was passing out!!!
Will wore Tucker's pumkin costume and totally loved trick or treating! He only was displeased that people were putting the candy in his bucket and not his hand....he ate candy the whole route!
We got home and I put the pumpkin on the dog, Will tried to get it off and put it back on himself...guess he was ready to go get more candy!!
I'm not sure where you guys live but down the street from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church is In As Much Ministry and you can drop off the can goods there. They would very much appreciate it. If you turn on the side road at United Rental it is behind Kwai Paint. Just and idea!
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