Wednesday, July 08, 2009

OK....I think this is how it goes

The way I understand it is Tucker didnt get rid of fluid yesterday like he should-because they discontinued his diuretic on rounds that morning. Yesterday morning was great, Dr del nido was very impressed with his xrays, have never been wet....JINX. So last night they did some i.v. fluids because his pressures dropped (i guess, i was out of the room) and nothing was given to work on getting the fluid back off. There is a very fine line between wet and dry when it comes to the heart and lungs.

SO, today they decided to paralyze him, give him time to rest the heart and recover from the fluid overload, which inturn created several things to happen...low oxygen saturations, high blood pressure, blood in the lungs.... Not sure how long this will occur. They had to switch his sedation medicine as his blood has too much of the one they were using (adavan). So now we are on Versid on a drip along with Dex drip, and methadone still every 4 hours. He fights the vent so much that they will probably try to keep him paralyzed until they find the right mix of drugs to keep him down. They dont listen to me. They have done this surgery , i understand, you cant rush the heart, i understand,,,,however each and every one of them have said the same thing....he is fighting the vent, he is breathing over the vent, and we cannot tell how much support he would need to take him off. I say pull the stupid thing! Give him a bypap mask for the support. I cannot imagine it would be half as bad as it is now. The fighting against the vent is not good for the heart, his lungs, or his, what to do? If they have it their way we will be paralyzed until they feel adequately that he has been down long enough for the left side of the heart to be completely healed. Never mind that the echo showed nothing to be concerned with....they know pressures will be high for a while until the heart relaxes which will happen over time,(and that is not time spent in the hospital either).....I think they dont want to believe that Tucker,,,even though they all say he is a fighter..cant get over the amount of strength he has...can do it and succeed. Hey, who am i right? just the mom....with no medical degree....


Unknown said...

Hang in there know the prayers are coming you way and Tuck will get thru this. Sometimes I think the Doc's forget that sometimes mother DOES know best. We love you guys!

Cammie Heflin said...

Bless your heart, it's so frustrating when the doctors don't listen to mommies! Addy was on a c-pap for quite awhile and kept fighting it and they had to keep her sedated. I finally demanded vapotherm and with the help of an awesome RT that agree we got it done and she improved so much more because she wasn't fighting so much! I hope they come around and Tucker can rest and heal the way his body wants him to! Praying for you here!

Michele Hoenig said...

Hope Tucker had a good night.