Monday, June 23, 2008


OK, so Tuck saw nutrition today again. WE HAVE GROWTH.....he is now 25 lbs 15 oz, up 5 oz from last time. He is 34.5 inches long, up 1/2 inch, and his head is 18 3/8, up 1/8th. OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH!!!! We will see her again on July 14th to see how we do over the next 3 weeks of eating. We cut back his tube feed once again, less calories and more by mouth. Really have to watch his fluid though, he doesn't take much liquid by mouth so we have to put some in the tube to keep him hydrated. Something we have to work on as well....but progress none the less.

Yes, here he is eating a cold Taco Bell taco. I have had a tendency to put him in the frig and let him pick what he wants......he stands on the ledge and mulls over what he sees and then picks. This day happen to be a leftover taco, which he did eat some of believe it or not.

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