Friday, October 12, 2007

(Entry #10)

OK, I missed yesterday so this post will have to count for yesterday. I mowed the yard last night and worked on Todd's Halloween costume for the party tomorrow-Gene Simmons of Kiss. It should be a fun time. I am not sure what I will be wearing, I think I am going as Ace Freely. Hunter had a little touch of a tummy something last night and worked on homework for 2 hours. She has homework every night, she is either not doing enough in school or they are getting a little crazy with the work. I just might have to ask. She has something every single night plus a reading amount she has to read plus a work out amount for each week. Don't get me wrong, reading and keeping active are something kids definitely need but homework, sometimes taking all night? Parent/Teacher conference is coming up and I will be able to discuss this with her teachers then. I am sure I am not the only parent concerned.

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