Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuck Tuck

Well, I tried to get some good pictures this weekend of Tucker boy, they aren't the greatest but I know everyone wants to see him. Last night was a rough night. We were up all night, fussy and nothing that would console him. They did a chest X-ray, everything was fine, we did an echo yesterday and the heart looked in good shape. He is dehydrated again, his soft spot on his head is sunk in, so they were doing a bullas fluid via i.v. when I left this morning. We have an exit date of Monday the 17th if all goes well with the continuation of the i.v. antibiotics. His midline (i.v. that goes to a main vein above the shoulder but not all the way to the heart) in his arm looks like it is leaking-they were going to check it today, if it goes bad we will have to find another place for another i.v. Keep us in your prayers. We are all tired of being at the hospital. As much as we love the people at Children's Mercy, we don't like seeing them every day. :) I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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